Single Page Applications: 4 Positive Facts To Rule The Online World

Living in 2022 means that we’re spending an average of 6 hours and 43 minutes a day online. What are we doing online? We would be browsing the average of 130 websites per day. Browsing got so easy and so fast – by just typing the URL and clicking enter – that 40% of Internet […]
Big Drama For Big Tech: Qualcomm Wins €1 Billion Appeals To Pay Off Apple

After 4 years in courts, Qualcomm won its appeal against a 997 million euros fine imposed by European Commission antitrust regulators to pay off Apple Inc. The European Commission’s first decision in 2018 charged Qualcomm guilty of anti-competitive practices. EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager held Qualcomm accountable for paying billions of dollars to Apple from […]
Apple Inc. Dominates The Tech World: 46 Years of Success

Apple Inc.: a 46 years journey shifted the course of a 13.8 billion years universe. From processors, phones, computers, and tablets, to setting the standards for new technology, Apple Inc. has achieved the impossible in a record time. Today, Apple Inc. dominates the Forbes technology ranks for the 7th straight year with $2.192 trillion net […]
12 Apple iOS 16 Updates: Setting the Standards of the Future On Your Device

Compatible, customizable, corrected software… Apple’s iOS 16 is revolutionizing the smartphone user experience starting this September 2022. Apple just released the new iOS 16 offerings it had announced at the annual Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, WWDC 2022 in June. Excited yet? So, follow along this blog to find out how “Apple is delivering the biggest […]
iOS 16 Announcement: 5 Super Updates

Let’s talk about iOS. On Monday June 6, 2022, Apple released its iOS 16 announcement live from Apple Park, Cupertino, California, United States. The major hyping segments of WWDC 2022 included iOS 16, iPadOS 16, macOS Ventura, and watchOS 9. So, if you’ve been waiting so long for this announcement, follow along this blog for […]
iPhone 13 vs. iPhone 14: 5 Tempting Reasons to Wait Before Getting Your iPhone

9 months down, 3 more to go… Apple’s iPhone 13 is officially the world’s best selling smartphone worldwide after 9 months of its first release. But now, we’ve reached that time of the year when waiting to get the newer iPhone 14 is as tempting as getting your hands on an iPhone 13 right now! This […]
Python for Kids: 3 Reasons Why It’s Important

If you’re wondering why is Python for kids such a trend nowadays, you might want to rethink the answers to these questions… How cool would it have been if you learned to create your own computer games as a kid? Or how many years would you have saved if you discovered your programming career interest as […]
IBM Quantum Computers: 111 Years Old Legacy of Success

It’s been said that memories are time travel to the past, and dreams are time travel to the future. IBM completed this saying by traveling to the future. What does the future look like? Well, it definitely holds IBM quantum computer with its 127 qubits chip. For so long, building a 127 plus qubits quantum […]
99.8% Fidelity Quantum Chip: Perfect Error-Free Operations Do Exist

You probably heard of quantum computers and their incredible abilities to solve complex operations in no time. There are actually multiple layers needed for a quantum computer to operate this way, from the hardware quantum layer to the classical control electronics layer. The real quantum computing challenge for so long was to perform quantum operations […]
Quantum Computing: 4 Incredible Realities To Explore

If someone asked you to picture the future of computers in your head, what would you see? You would probably imagine a minuscule black box with physics magic going inside or super fast moving particles. But, most importantly. It would be hard to imagine exactly what a computer from the future looks like. That’s because future […]