5 Huge Internet of Things Trends in 2022

internet of things

In a world dominated by artificial intelligence, smart devices, wireless connectivity, and infinite sets of data, it’s definitely tempting to uncover the majestic reason behind the success of many other technologies. The Internet of Things, or IoT for short, might be this one revolutionary technology that initiated a chain reaction of incredible innovations. So, if […]

7 Cool IoT Gadgets

IoT Gadgets

We’re living in a marvelous world where wireless, invisible, or minuscule interconnected technology can do anything for us! It’s the new era of the Internet of Things, specifically IoT gadgets. These are physical objects equipped with sensors, processors, software, incredible abilities, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over […]

The Chip Crisis: 15% Alarming Drop in IoT Production

chip crisis

Sad news. The IoT production line continues to be threatened by what’s called the chip crisis since 2020. While some experts say that the chip crisis will end in the next 18 months, others argue that the crisis is still at its middle peak and is expected to persist a lot longer. When talking about the […]

Domain Authority: 3 Effective Steps to Outrank Your Domain

domain authority

As you dive into the world of digital content, online visibility, and SEO, you will most likely encounter a whole new dictionary of concepts. Look up the letter D for Domain Authority and follow along this blog where we explain it all. That’s one key concept you wouldn’t want to skip. What is Domain Authority? […]

SEO 101: Important Basics You Need to Know


You’ve probably had this conversation before if you have a business page, website, or a blog. It went like this:  “I have all of this content, but it can’t be found on Google search engine.” Well, why don’t you optimize your Google content for SEO! “SEO?”  Yes, it stands for search engine optimization.  If you […]

Top 10 Exciting Google SEO Trends in 2022

google seo

We’re almost halfway through 2022 and the SEO industry is still way too unpredictable.  With Google’s mysterious ranking factors, SEO seems more like speculations than a real data-driven approach. That being said, the least you can do is stay on top of the latest updates, follow up with the newest trends, and pay attention to […]

5 SEO Opportunities You Shouldn’t Miss

seo opportunities

If you create, own, manage, or promote online content, there are infinite opportunities for your content to rank at the top of search engine pages and reach the millions of audiences you aim for.  Sounds too good to be true? It actually can be!  You just have to optimize your content for those available opportunities […]